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work properly, we'll have You can also leave a message at Yahoo!
Messenger. My ID is: Fading_Eclipse (Just leave the URL, ur addy, the artists addy, and
name) Name of Nominator : Name of Nominee (If different)
: URL of art work (This MUST
be in .htm or HTML format) : If you need hosting please contact
Ryu~Itsutsu at Ryu_Itsutsu@yahoo.com.
Need hosting for your fanwork? Contact Ryu~Itsutsu If any of the information is not filled out the picture will be deleted without an email explaining why. Same goes if rules aren't followed, so please read the rules BEFORE posting. *Updates*Copyright*Links* |
All series within are property of
their respective companies. No money is being made
in the production of this site. Please see the Copyrights Page for specifics.
All art within is property of the artists. Do not take
without permission!
Graphics and Design co. Ryu~Itsutsu and Cassiopeia.
Art for copyright provided by Su-chan.